We understand that your decision to consult for surgery is a big one. So the purpose of this post is to inform you of the process and what you can expect. We value your time, so we always want to ensure you are qualified BEFORE coming in for a consultation. This process will save you time, effort and money in the case that you are unsuitable for surgery.
Your Initial Enquiry
When you contact Dr Doyle’s rooms for your initial enquiry, you’ll speak with our friendly enquiries team.
Kirstyn-lee is our enquiries coordinator and has been a part of our team for the past 10 years.
Kirstyn has been on the other end of the phone as a patient herself. She understands that researching any surgical procedure can be an overwhelming and scary experience. For this reason, she aims to provide as much information as to what you can expect – before you even decide to come in.
To start your surgical process, we offer a range of options. You can:
- Book a complimentary phone chat with Kirstyn (for after-hour appointments)
- Call the Clinic during office hours
- Submit a Confidential enquiry form
What Happens When You Call Us?
On your initial call, you will get an idea of estimates, availability and what you can do to prepare for surgery. This will help you plan and come in as prepared as possible. When it comes to your suitability for surgery – there are a few things we look out for.
1. You Have Realistic Expectations
During your initial enquiry, you’ll also be asked about your goals and expectations for the surgery. This is an important step in determining if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Dr Doyle always prioritises patient safety and satisfaction, so it’s important to have an open and honest discussion about your desired outcome.
2. You Are at Your Ideal Weight (and in a Healthy Weight Range)
Being at your ideal weight is important for any cosmetic surgery procedure as it increases your chances that your results will be long-term. If you are significantly above or below your ideal weight, this can affect the results of your surgery and may make you unsuitable for surgery.
3. You Do NOT Smoke or Vape or are Willing to Quit for 8 Weeks Before Your Procedure
Smoking impacts your body’s ability to heal. For this reason, Dr Doyle requires all patients to quit smoking or vaping at least 8 weeks before their scheduled surgery. This is an important factor in determining your suitability for surgery.
4. You Are in Good Overall Health
Just like with any medical procedure, it’s important to be in good overall health before undergoing cosmetic surgery. This includes having no underlying medical conditions that could potentially complicate the surgery or its results.
To determine your suitability for surgery – take our free Assessment Quiz HERE.
Getting Started – Your Complimentary Photo Assessment
To know if your desired results are possible – Dr Doyle routinely reviews patient images.
You can submit images on our Contact form and we also suggest you attach ‘wish pics’ of your desired outcome.
On review, Dr Doyle will advise Kirstyn on the best course of treatment. She will then inform you of the next steps toward your surgical procedure.
What Happens Next? Your Surgery Consultation
If you are deemed suitable for surgery during your initial enquiry, we will then schedule an in-person consultation with Plastic Surgeon Dr Mark Doyle.
A consultation with Dr Doyle is $300 (including your 2nd consultation which is now required for all cosmetic procedures).
In this consultation, Dr Doyle and your Patient Advisor will go into more detail about the procedure, discuss any concerns or questions you may have, and perform a physical assessment to determine the best course of action for your specific case.
We suggest you ask as many questions as possible before your consultation, so you can make the most of your time with Dr Doyle.
For more information on your initial consult, please read here.
Final Checks – Your Follow-up Appointment with Dr Doyle
After your consultation, we will schedule a follow-up appointment with Dr Doyle. This is an opportunity for you to catch up again and ensure all questions or concerns have been addressed before going ahead with the final booking.
By now, you should have everything from medication information, consent forms and any other details that may be relevant to your surgery.
After meeting with Dr Doyle a second time, you will need to wait 7 days before booking your surgery date or paying a deposit. This is the mandatory ‘cooling-off’ period that is required by law.
Then you are ready to book your surgery!
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does the entire consultation process take?
The duration of this process varies depending on your case and the specific procedures being considered.
Typically, from your initial phone call to the final consultation with Dr Doyle, the process usually takes around 2-4 weeks. In some cases, it can take up to 6 weeks depending on Dr Doyle’s availability.
Will I get a rebate for my consultation fee?
If your procedure is medically necessary (NOT Cosmetic), you may be eligible for a rebate on your consultation fee from Medicare.
Does the ‘cooling-off’ period apply to all surgeries?
Yes, the ‘cooling-off’ period applies to all surgeries. It is a mandatory 7-day period required by law which allows patients to have time to consider their decision and ensure they are fully informed before proceeding with the surgery.
Can I have a virtual consultation with Dr Doyle?
Yes, Dr Doyle offers virtual consultations.
At least one of your two consultations must be in person with Dr Doyle. The other consultation can be in person or by video.
Any Questions? Get in Touch
For any further questions or to enquire, please contact us through our website or give us a call during office hours. We are happy to assist you in any way we can.
About Dr Mark Doyle FRACS (Plas) – Queensland Plastic Surgeon
Servicing patients in Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Cairns and New South Wales NSW – Northern Rivers, Byron Bay, Ballina, Lismore and more.
Dr Mark Doyle is a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon with over 30 years of experience performing breast, body, face and nose surgery. He has completed all required training and only carries out approved surgical practices. There are NO undertrained doctors or cosmetic doctors acting as surgeons at Gold Coast Plastic Surgery.