Septoplasty is a medically required surgical procedure to repair a crooked nose or deviated septum within the nose, to improve breathing quality. The bone and cartilage that divide your nostrils is called the septum. When it is crooked or deviated, it can bring about many functional problems. Deviated septum surgery, also known as septoplasty surgery straightens the septum. Allowing for improved breathing, whilst alleviating discomfort that can be felt with septum deviation. Most patients can go home immediately following surgery, with full recovery from septoplasty taking approximately 6 weeks.

What is a Deviated Septum?
Our nostrils are separated from each other by a bony and cartilaginous wall called the nasal septum. This separation is important as it keeps the airflow open and facilitates breathing. A deviated septum is when the bone and cartilage that divides your nostrils is off-centre or crooked. This can occur due to an injury, birth defect, or as a result of the aging process. A deviated septum can cause many functional problems, such as a blocked nose, difficulty breathing, and chronic sinus infections. A deviated septum can also lead to snoring.
Septoplasty is a nose job for a deviated septum. It is a medical procedure that aims to straighten the nasal septum, within the nose. During surgery, your deviated nasal septum will be repositioned into a more optimal position. This can improve airflow and alleviate symptoms associated with a deviated septum.
What is Septoplasty?
Septoplasty is a medical procedure performed to correct the deviated nasal septum. The procedure may also involve the repositioning of the septum to make it more central. Septoplasty nose surgery can significantly improve your breathing, sleep and snoring quality. More often than not, the septoplasty procedure is performed along with rhinoplasty surgery to achieve optimal results.
What Gold Coast Plastic Surgeon Dr Doyle Believes Is An Optimal Septoplasty Result
An optimal septoplasty result corrects your nasal airway obstruction. You should be able to breathe easily through your nose after the recovery. The cosmetic appearance of your nose shouldn’t change too much, but there may be some minor changes necessary to improve breathing. If you wish to see cosmetic changes, you may be recommended to combine nasal surgery for breathing with rhinoplasty. This is known as septorhinoplasty surgery.
Different Types of Septoplasty
Septum Surgery
This is a traditional deviated septum treatment, it is medically required surgery to repair a deviated septum, it involves treating only the septum and does not create significant cosmetic changes.
Septoplasty and Turbinoplasty
Reducing the nasal turbinates is another way to improve nasal obstruction, depending on the cause. The turbinates are located inside the nose, near the septum. Turbinates are made of bone and soft tissue and if they swell or are enlarged, it can be due to allergies. To repair this, Gold Coast Plastic Surgery Plastic Surgeon Dr Mark Doyle or Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon Dr Stephen Kleid surgically lifts part of the bone and removes it.
Depending on the cause of your nasal obstruction, you may require one or both procedures.
What is Septorhinoplasty Surgery
A septorhinoplasty is a combination of septoplasty and rhinoplasty. It is performed to improve both the functionality and the cosmetic resemblance of the nose. This surgery can be performed by Gold Coast Plastic Surgery Plastic Surgeon Dr Mark Doyle or Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon Dr Stephen Kleid.
Septoplasty Procedure
Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that is performed under general anaesthesia, at an accredited hospital. This nasal obstruction surgery takes about one to two hours, depending on which type of surgery you require.
During septoplasty surgery, Gold Coast Plastic Surgery Plastic Surgeon Dr Mark Doyle or Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon Dr Stephen Kleid will make an incision in the tissue between your nostrils, also known as the columella. This allows for access to the septum, he will then carefully straighten the septum and reposition it into a more optimal position.
In some cases, fixing a deviated septum requires the surgeon to remove part of the bone or cartilage. They will then use stitches to close the incision.
When you wake up from surgery, you may have a splint in your nose and packing in your nostrils. These will help support your septum as it heals. You will also have some bruising and swelling, which will go down over the weeks following surgery.
Most people can return to work and their normal activities within two weeks. However, you should avoid strenuous activity for at least six weeks. It can take up to three months for full septoplasty recovery.
Septoplasty Aftercare
It is important to avoid blowing your nose and sneezing for at least two weeks after surgery. Sneezing or blowing your nose can cause the septum to shift out of place. You should also sleep with your head elevated on pillows to reduce swelling.
Are You A Suitable Candidate for Septoplasty Surgery
If you have been having breathing problems, sinus infections, nosebleeds and snoring, you may be a suitable candidate for septoplasty surgery, to repair your septum.
Surgery for a deviated septum is best suited for those in good health, both mental and physical. A suitable candidate is a non-smoker and is willing to adhere to strict post-operative care and instructions.
Risks and Complications
All surgery procedures carry risks. Some complications include bleeding, infection, and septal perforation (a hole in the septum). Further risks will be discussed during your initial surgery consultation.
How to Tell if You Have a Deviated Septum?
Deviated septum symptoms may include snoring, frequent nosebleeds or chronic sinus infections. If you have any of these symptoms, you can see Gold Coast Plastic Surgery Plastic Surgeon Dr Doyle or Consulting Ear, Nose or Throat Surgeon Dr Kleid for a diagnosis. They will likely perform a physical exam and order a CT scan.
You can also perform a deviated septum self-test to check if air passes through each nostril easily. To do this, hold your finger on one nostril and breathe through the other. If you feel a major difference in air pressure, you may have a deviated septum.
Are There Septoplasty Medicare Rebates?
Yes, deviated nasal septum surgery can attract Medicare rebates. If you have breathing difficulties or septum problems as a result of an injury, a previous rhinoplasty surgery, or birth defects, you may be eligible for a Medicare rebate. This rebate is available if you meet the criteria of item numbers 41671 or 41672 on the Medicare Benefits Schedule. Dr Doyle or Dr Kleid will be able to discuss this further during your initial consultation.
What to Expect After Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction?
After nasal septum surgery and turbinate reduction surgery, you can expect some bruising and swelling around your eyes. The swelling and bruising usually goes down within two weeks. You may also have a splint in your nose, which will be removed after a week.
Will Septoplasty Leave Scars?
Yes, septoplasty surgery will leave a small incision scar on the columella, the tissue that separates both nostrils. As it is on the base of the nose it is generally not noticeable when the head is upright. And, with good scar management, the appearance of the scar should fade over 12 – 24 months.
Book a consultation
To find out more about the septoplasty procedure, book a consultation with Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon Dr Stephen Kleid or Plastic Surgeon Dr Doyle today.
About Dr Mark Doyle FRACS (Plas) – Queensland Plastic Surgeon
Servicing patients in Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Cairns and New South Wales NSW – Northern Rivers, Byron Bay, Ballina, Lismore and more.
Dr Mark Doyle is a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon with over 30 years of experience performing breast, body, face and nose surgery. He has completed all required training and only carries out approved surgical practices. There are NO undertrained doctors or cosmetic doctors acting as surgeons at Gold Coast Plastic Surgery.