We Get Asked: What Makes a Beautiful Nose? According to Science

According to an article by Rhinology Online, “a few key factors create a captivating nose shape. First, the nose should be in proportion to the rest of the face. Second, it should be symmetrical. And third, the shape (for females) is an upturned button nose.”

At Gold Coast Plastic Surgery we believe that every face is different, and we must consider each person’s unique facial proportions. Dr Mark Doyle is a specialist facial plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience. He strives to work closely with patients and evaluate their unique nasal anatomy, for their rhinoplasty surgical procedure. If you’re considering a nose job (rhinoplasty), contact Dr Doyle for a consultation.

Factors that Make a Captivating Nose

As the central feature of the face, the nose plays an important feature role. According to research, there are a few key factors that create a captivating nose shape, however, of course, everyone is different and what is considered exquisite is subjective.

We get ask, “What makes a nose a beautiful nose?” Opinions on a captivating nose differ, typically key elements include clear airways, balanced proportions and symmetry. Psychologists suggest that humans prefer symmetry because it signals good genes and is a possible indicator of good health. So, this is what surgeons are taught to achieve in most plastic surgery curricula. It’s important to remember that no one has a 100% symmetrical face.

What is the quintessential shape for a female nose? That depends on your individual preferences, however, research indicates that the quintessential shape for a female is a ‘ski slope’ nose. But, this isn’t always possible or preferred. Before deciding on a new nose shape, you must look at proportions first. The same shape and size nose does not suit everyone.

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How to Measure Facial Symmetry

what makes a beautiful nose

Plastic surgeons assess facial symmetry by visually dividing the face into parts. They divide the face horizontally and vertically using neoclassical facial canons.

These measurements help us see the preferred positioning and size of the nose. Yet, with plastic surgery, it is not possible to move the placement of the nose. So, these tools are helpful for assessing the nose tip and the nostril width.

The rules include:

Horiztonal Thirds of the Face

horizontal thirds beautiful nose

The medical rule of horizontal thirds can describe what may be considered an appealing and proportional face.

According to this medical rule, the nose can be one-third of the overall face height. Furthermore, noses can be similar in height to the upper and lower face.

If the nasal tip extends below the nostrils (a hook nose), Gold Coast Plastic Surgeon Dr Doyle may be able to recommend removing an amount of cartilage on the nose tip. This may increase the vertical symmetry.

Vertical Fifths of the Face

vertical fifths beautiful nose

The medical vertical facial fifths rule refers to splitting the face into fifths. These fifths are roughly one eye-length wide. This medical method suggests that the preferred nasal width is equal to the middle fifth of the face. And, this is equal to the width of the person’s eyes.

If the nasal width is too wide (wide nose), Alarplasty can be performed to reduce it. This involves reducing the sizes of the nostrils to create a narrower shape.

If the nose is thought to be too narrow, cartilage may be added to build up the width.

A Mathematical Nose

Much of the research done around the preferred nose shape is mathematical proportions and angles. Some studies use computer-generated models of faces to find the most captivating nose shape.

One study found that the “most beautiful noses” had a particular angle between the brow and the tip of the nose.

Other research has looked at the angle between the upper lip and the nose, known as the Nasolabial Angle, to find the most preferred nose shape.

This research compared nose shapes between genders and concluded the factors that make a captivating nose in men and women.

Research Findings

The research article by Rhinology Online concluded that a preferred nose is defined by:

  • A nose length that is 0.67x midfacial height
  • A straight dorsum or a straight dorsum that reduces approximately 2mm below the tip of the nose.
  • The projection of the nose measured from the alar crease is 0.55-0.60 of the nasal dorsal length.
  • A nasolabial angle of 95-115 degrees in women & 90-95 degrees in men.
nasolabial angle
  • The angle the nose makes with the forehead (the nasofrontal angle) is within 115-130 degrees. In general, more obtuse angles look better on women and more acute ones on men.
nasofrontal angle
  • The columella show should be 2-4mm. This refers to how much of the inner lining of the nostrils are visible on the profile view (columellar show).

As you can see, what may be considered as a “beautiful nose” isn’t quite as simple as having the right shape. There are many factors that contribute to what some may consider preferred noses. These include symmetry, breathing, proportion, and angles.

According to these findings, the most preferred noses are those that are in balance with the rest of the face.

Is A Button Nose The Most Preferred Nose Shape for Females?

According to medical research, a button nose is generally considered to be the female preferred nose shape, though beauty is subjective and varies across cultures and personal preferences. This type of nose is lifted at the tip of the nose and has a smaller nasal bridge. A button nose is a type of nose that is small and round, allows optimal breathing, similar to the shape of a button.

What Is The Most Preferred Nose Shape for Males?

The preferred male nose is generally a nose that has an angle of 90 degrees from the nasal tip to the top lip. Furthermore, long, straight and downward-pointing noses are regarded as masculine and defined. A nose tip that extends approximately 2mm below the tip of the nose is also seen as captivating. Although beauty is subjective and varies across cultures and personal preferences.

What Parts of the Nose Can We Change with Rhinoplasty?

Dr Doyle believes that a nose should match the rest of the person’s facial featured. Instead of focusing on specific angles, Dr Doyle’s approach is to unstand the patients expectations and work with the patient to create a surgical plan.

When a patient seeks to change the shape of their nose, they may request changes to a few areas. These can include:

Nose Width

nostril reduction surgery gold coast

First and foremost, some individuals request a slim nose. A rhinoplasty procedure can involve narrowing the overall width of the nose.

Nose Tip

Another attribute is a defined nasal tip. Many people have thick nasal skin, making their nasal tip round rather than sharp.

Dorsal Hump


Bumps on the bridge of the nose are often common. Many patients request that they have a smoother dorsal hump as part of their rhinoplasty surgery.

Narrower Nostrils

The nostrils play an important role. Similar, smaller or symmetrical nostrils may be addressed with an Alarplasty.

The Angle of the Nose Tip

This angle depends on your gender and your preference for your nose shape. A straight nasolabial angle appears more masculine (according to research) and a slight ‘ski slope’ angle appears feminine (according to research).

The most important consideration is that your nose matches the rest of your face.

Different Types of Noses

Noses come in a variety of sizes and forms. No two noses are the same, whether they are thin, broad, long, small, upturned, or crooked. The kind of nose you have depends on the size of your nasal bones and the quantity of cartilage in your nose. Here are the most prevalent kinds of noses:

Upturned Nose

The upturned nose is a petite nose with a projecting tip at the end and depression in the nasal bridge. 13 per cent of the world’s population have this nose and it is one of the most requested nose shapes.

Greek Nose

The Greek or Mediterranean nose has a straight line from the bridge to the tip. A characteristic trait of a Greek nose is that it has small nostrils, which is a common request from some Rhinoplasty patients.

Aquiline or Roman Nose

This shape of this nose has a pronounced bridge and a curved or bent shape. The name Aquiline comes from the Latin language meaning “eagle-like.” Hawk noses have a rounded and downturned nose tip.

Nubian Nose

A Nubian nose is a long nose with a wide base, which is typical seen among ethnic groups with darker skin tones. People with this nose frequently get their nostrils narrowed in order to get a narrower nose width.

Regardless of the nose shape that you have, Rhinoplasty can address a variety of nose concerns. It’s an individualised procedure that varies between every patient. Making changes to your nose is dependent on your individual proportions and unique face shape.

What Is The Most Beautiful Nose Shape?

While the above considerations can be helpful in researching nose shapes, the perfect nose for you is up to your preferences and typically a nose that blends with other facial features. A preferred nose is unique to everyone.

Over years of experience, Dr Doyle has learnt a lot about nose surgery and will work with your requests. To learn more, book a consultation with Dr Mark Doyle at Gold Coast Plastic Surgery.

About Dr Mark Doyle FRACS (Plas) – Queensland Plastic Surgeon

Servicing patients in Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Cairns and New South Wales NSW – Northern Rivers, Byron Bay, Ballina, Lismore and more.

Dr Mark Doyle is a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon with over 30 years of experience performing breast, body, face and nose surgery. He has completed all required training and only carries out approved surgical practices. There are NO undertrained doctors or cosmetic doctors acting as surgeons at Gold Coast Plastic Surgery.


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  • Bring a friend or relative for support and discussion regarding your choices
  • Take notes and read all provided information thoroughly
  • Read about what to expect in your Initial Surgery Consultation

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  • Get a Referral from your GP or specialist – this is required to book a consultation with Dr Doyle.
  • Email us or call on 07 5598 0988 to arrange your consultation appointment.
  • Pay your $300 Consultation Fee in advance to secure your consultation.

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  • Dr. Mark Doyle AHPRA Registration: Dr Mark Doyle MED0001375519 Specialist Plastic Surgery – MBBS FRACS FRCS