When it comes to losing weight, most people think that plastic surgery is an easy fix. But, plastic surgery isn’t for everyone. There’s an important factor to consider: the type of belly fat you have on your body. There are two types of belly fat – visceral and subcutaneous.
The primary type of fat you have will determine your candidacy for plastic surgery procedures. This article will explore each type of abdominal fat and the implications it has for plastic surgery.
Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty) and liposuction both help to remove excess fat from the stomach. But certain types of belly fat cannot be safely removed. This is important for plastic surgery. Why? Because removing large amounts of ‘internal’ fat can be dangerous if attempted.
Types of Belly Fat
There are two types of belly fat: visceral and subcutaneous. Visceral belly fat is the type of fat that surrounds your organs and increases your risk for health problems. Subcutaneous belly fat is the type that sits under your skin and may give you a “pooch” belly.
You must understand the difference between these types of fat to know whether plastic surgery will be of benefit to you.
So, what is the difference?
Subcutaneous Belly Fat
Subcutaneous fat sits underneath your skin. This is the fat you can grab or pinch and is often what makes up a belly apron or love handles. If your stomach has more subcutaneous fat than visceral fat, you will find it is soft and squishy.
Subcutaneous belly fat is not considered as dangerous to your health as visceral belly fat. In fact, some subcutaneous belly fat can actually be beneficial for you. This type of fat helps to insulate your organs and provides a cushion around them.
However, too much subcutaneous body fat can give you an unflattering appearance. This type of belly fat can be removed with certain plastic surgery procedures, such as a tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty) or liposuction.
Visceral Belly Fat
Visceral fat surrounds your organs and increases your risk for health problems. The type of fat is often referred to as “hidden” or “internal” belly fat. Usually, if you have a majority of visceral fat, this presents as a hard and protruding belly as well as a large waist.
Some visceral belly fat is necessary for cushioning and insulating your organs. But, too much of it can be dangerous for your health. This correlates with an increased risk for chronic health conditions (such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes).
Visceral belly fat is not something that can or should be removed with plastic surgery. In fact, trying to remove this type of fat with liposuction or a tummy tuck can be extremely dangerous.
Removing ‘Internal’ Visceral Fat with Tummy Tuck Surgery
It’s not possible to remove visceral belly fat with tummy tuck surgery. This is because an Abdominoplasty targets only the fat that is on or above the abdominal muscles.
If a surgeon attempts to target visceral fat, the abdominal organs are at risk. This also applies to liposuction. It’s not possible to target visceral belly fat with liposuction because the cannula (the surgical instrument used during liposuction) can only go so far without puncturing or damaging the organs. See below:
So, if you’re considering surgery, be sure to ask your surgeon about the type of belly fat they are targeting.
Can a Patient with a Majority of Visceral Belly Fat Still Get Plastic Surgery?
“I still perform surgery on patients with large amounts of visceral fat, only if their main concern is loose skin. This skin can be removed but the procedure will not change the size of their belly and waist,” says Dr Doyle.
Patients with excess visceral fat often have difficulties with their healing after surgery. This complicates recovery and can be uncomfortable for the patient.
This is why it’s always recommended that you are as close as possible to your ideal weight for surgery.
Dr Doyle
Visceral Fat and Tummy Tuck Results
Abdominoplasty surgery is not a final solution for patients with excess visceral fat. The surgery only helps to improve the appearance of belly fat (and loose skin) that is above the abdominal muscles.
The following before and after images show tummy tuck results on a patient with a large majority of visceral fat. As you can see, the surgery reduced the amount of loose skin on her belly, but not the size of her waist.
How to Reduce Visceral Fat
The best way to remove visceral fat is through a healthy diet and physical activity or bariatric surgery.
“I always tell my patients that the best way to reduce visceral belly fat is through a healthy lifestyle. Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise will help to shrink your waist and reduce your risk for chronic disease,” says Dr Doyle.
If you are considering surgery to remove belly fat, be sure to consult with a specialist plastic surgeon, and always get a second opinion.
How to Ensure the Best Results from Tummy Tuck or Liposuction
The best way to ensure good results from plastic surgery is to be as close to your ideal weight as possible. Abdominoplasty and liposuction are not weight-loss solutions. Rather, they are body contouring procedures.
If you’re considering either of these procedures, it’s recommended that you are within 5kg of your ideal body weight. You should also be able to maintain a steady weight.
If your weight is unstable and fluctuates, you’ll likely compromise the results of your surgery. Maintaining your weight after surgery is as important as being close to your ideal weight before surgery.
FAQs Belly Fat and Plastic Surgery
What does subcutaneous fat look like?
Subcutaneous fat is the type of belly fat that lies beneath the skin. You can pinch this fat with your fingers. Usually, it looks like an ‘apron,’ ‘pooch,’ or love handles.
What does visceral fat look like?
Visceral belly fat is the type of belly fat that surrounds the organs and abdominal cavity. You cannot pinch this fat with your fingers. Usually, it looks like a hard and protruding waist.
How can I tell which type of fat I have?
Most people have a mix of both types of fat. Usually, most people have up to 90% subcutaneous fat and 10% visceral fat. Yet, it can vary based on your weight and general health.
How to lose tummy fat?
The best way to lose belly fat is with diet and exercise. Cardiovascular and aerobic exercise can reduce both types of belly fat. If you need to lose a significant amount of weight, bariatric surgery may also be a good option.
What is the best surgery for stomach fat?
The best surgery for belly fat is liposuction and/or tummy tuck surgery.
What is the difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction?
Abdominoplasty surgery removes excess skin and subcutaneous fat from the lower abdomen. Liposuction removes subcutaneous fat only.
What plastic surgery makes your stomach flat?
Tummy tuck surgery is the best plastic surgery procedure for creating a flat stomach.
How much belly fat can be removed with a tummy tuck?
An Abdominoplasty can remove up to 5kg of fat from the abdomen. However, this varies for each individual and is as a rough guide only.
Book A Consultation
If you are considering your surgical options to reduce belly fat, book a consultation with specialist plastic surgeon, Dr Mark Doyle on the Gold Coast.
About Dr Mark Doyle FRACS (Plas) – Queensland Plastic Surgeon
Servicing patients in Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Cairns and New South Wales NSW – Northern Rivers, Byron Bay, Ballina, Lismore and more.
Dr Mark Doyle is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon with over thirty years of experience performing Breast, Body, Face and Nose surgery. Dr Doyle is a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon with 30+ years of experience. He has completed all required training and only carries out approved surgical practices. There are absolutely NO undertrained doctors or cosmetic doctors acting as surgeons in our clinic.
As a highly esteemed plastic surgeon, Dr Mark is committed to achieving the best possible results for all his breast, body, face and nose patients, both men and women.