
Teardrop Breast Implants: What to Consider?

Breast implants are used to enhance the size and shape of breasts during breast augmentation surgery. They are commonly made of silicone and are placed into your breast tissue to increase volume and improve overall appearance. There are two main shapes of breast implants: round and teardrop.

Teardrop breast augmentation is designed to mimic the natural shape of a woman’s breast. Teardrop breast implants are thinner at the top and thicker at the bottom, which creates a more tapered, teardrop-shaped breast. This type of implant is usually best for women who have less breast tissue and want a more natural look.

Gummy Bear Implants

Breast implant textures can vary. Gummy bear implants are made from silicone but have a thicker, more stable, cohesive silicone that has less chance of a rupture or leaking compared to typical silicone or saline implants.

The silicone gel is designed to hold its shape and remain in place even if the implant shell ruptures. The term “gummy bear” is used because the gel is similar to the gummy bear candy. This type of implant is usually for women who want a more natural look and feel but with the added benefit of more durability.

Both tear drop breast implants and gummy bear breast implants offer several advantages over traditional round implants, including a more natural-looking breast shape, reduced risk of rippling or wrinkling, and better longevity. However, they also come with potential risks and complications, such as capsular contracture, implant rupture, and implant displacement.

What are Teardrop Breast Implants?

Teardrop breast implants are a type of breast implant used in breast implant surgery. They are used to enhance your breasts and are designed to mimic the natural shape of a woman’s breast – tear drop breasts. Teardrop implants can be made of silicone or saline and come in various sizes and projections. They are best for women who have less breast tissue and want a more natural look.

Tear drop implants require a more precise surgical technique for placement, as they must be placed correctly to achieve the desired teardrop shape. Teardrop implants have a nano-textured surface to prevent movement. It is important you choose a surgeon you trust and discuss potential risks, such as capsular contracture, implant rupture, and implant displacement.

Eligibility for Teardrop Breast Implants

Many women want teardrop boobs. Here are some of the key factors for teardrop breast implants.


Good overall health: You should be in good overall health. This means they should be free of any serious medical conditions that could increase the risk of complications during or after surgery.

Fully developed breasts: You should have fully developed breasts before considering breast surgery. Typically, this means waiting until your early twenties before considering a teardrop breast implant.

Realistic expectations: You’ll need to speak to your breast implant surgeon about the specific results you can expect.

Stable weight: You should have a stable weight before breast surgery. Significant changes in weight can affect the appearance of your breasts and the results of the surgery.

Willingness to follow instructions: You need to be willing to follow all pre and post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon. You may need to avoid certain activities or medications before and after surgery and attend follow-up appointments to monitor healing and recovery. This will ensure the best results to achieve your tear drop boobs look.

Things to Avoid

Not pregnant or breastfeeding: Women who are currently pregnant or breastfeeding are not a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery. This can affect the size and shape of the breasts.

No active breast infections/issues: Women who have active breast infections or other issues such as cysts or fibroadenomas may not be eligible for breast surgery until these issues are resolved.

No history of breast cancer: Women who have a history of breast cancer may not be a candidate for breast augmentation surgery. This is because breast implants can interfere with breast cancer screening methods.

Choosing the Right Size and Shape

Choosing the right breast implant size and shape is a crucial aspect of the breast surgery process. It is important to choose a size and shape that will enhance your natural features and fit your body type, while also meeting your goals.

Here are some key factors to consider when choosing breast implants.


Understand your body type and shape: This will help you choose a size that is proportionate to your body frame and will enhance your natural features.

Take into account your natural breast tissue: Your natural breast tissue will play a role in choosing the right size and shape of breast implants. If you have less natural breast tissue you may want to consider smaller implants, but if you have more natural breast tissue you may be able to consider larger implants.

Implant projection and width: The projection and width of the implant can also affect your final result. Your surgeon can help you choose an implant with the right fit for your body type and desired outcome.

Choose a size proportionate to your body frame: It is important to consider different breast implant sizes and choose a size that is proportionate to your body frame to achieve a natural-looking result.

Don’t choose a size that is too large for your body: This can cause a less natural appearance and can also cause discomfort or other complications.

Consider the shape of the implant: There are different shapes of breast implants, including teardrop and round.

Personal Life and Goals

Consider your lifestyle and activities: If you are active and participate in sports or other physical activities, you may want to choose a size and shape that will not interfere with your mobility or comfort.

Communicate your goals and expectations with your surgeon: It’s important to ensure that you both have the same vision for your breast augmentation results.

Try on sizers during your consultation: Trying on sizers can help you get a better idea of how different sizes and shapes will look and feel on your body.

Consider your surgeon’s recommendations: Your surgeon has experience and expertise in choosing the right size and shape of breast implants. It is important to take their recommendations into consideration when making your final decision.

Implants Placement

Breast implant placement can affect the look and feel of the implants. Discuss your desired outcome with your surgeon to determine the best placement option to achieve your goals.

Placement can affect the risk of complications such as capsular contracture or implant rippling. Your surgeon will discuss the pros and cons of each placement option during the consultation. Proper placement can help minimise the risk of complications and ensure the best possible results.

Teardrop breast implant placement is an important consideration when you undergo breast augmentation. The placement of the implants can impact the final appearance and feel of your breasts, as well as the risk of complications. Here are some key factors to consider when you are choosing the right implant placement.

Subglandular vs Submuscular Placement

Your placement options are either over or under the chest muscle. Submuscular placement involves placing the implant beneath the chest muscle, while subglandular placement involves placing the implant above the muscle and beneath the breast tissue.

Submuscular placement can provide more natural-looking results and may be more suitable for women with thinner or less breast tissue. Subglandular placement may be more suitable for women with enough breast tissue to cover the implant.

Dr Doyle will assess your breast tissue and recommend the best placement option for you. He will take into account your body type, breast size, and your desired outcome.

Teardrop vs Round Implants

If you are considering a teardrop implant you can view teardrop breast implants before and after. The teardrop breast implant images can give you an idea of how they may look on your body. Of course, you should also take into account teardrop implant sizes.

Teardrop Breast Implants Pictures Before and After

Round Breast Implants Pictures Before and After

Be sure to review the teardrop implants before and after as well as the round implant before and after. Your choice of implant shape depends on your desired outcome, body shape, and surgeon’s recommendation. Below we will compare the difference in the breast implant shapes options.

Implant TypeShapeLookTextured SurfacePrice
TeardropNatural slopoeSubtleYes – slightlyMore Expensive
RoundSymmetricalDramaticNo – smoothLess Expensive

What are Gummy Bear Implants?

The reliability of the gummy bear breast implant is demonstrated by showing a damaged implant but the gel remains inside.

Gummy bear silicone breast implants are a type of cohesive silicone gel implant that is popular for breast augmentation. These implants are known for their natural feel and shape retention due to the thicker, highly cohesive silicone gel used in their construction.

The name “gummy bear” is derived from the soft, pliable texture of the implants which is similar to the popular candy. Gummy bear implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit different body types and aesthetic goals. As with other types of breast implants, they require surgery and carry risks such as infection, bleeding, and capsular contracture.


Many ask what the gummy bear implants pros and cons?

Some pros of gummy bear implants are:

  • Natural-looking results
  • Retain shape better than traditional silicone implants
  • Less risk of rippling or wrinkling
  • Reduced risk of implant leakage or rupture
  • Firmer and more cohesive consistency
  • May require smaller incisions during surgery
  • Long-lasting results with minimal maintenance
  • Available in different shapes and sizes to fit individual needs
  • Ideal for women who want a more natural feel to their breasts.

For women looking for a natural-looking breast augmentation with a lower-risk profile, gummy bear implants may be a good option. The highly cohesive gel reduces the risk of leakage and rippling, while the various shapes available can provide a more customised fit and appearance. One con is that the material used feels firmer and less natural.

Minimise Risks and Complications

Choose a Qualified and Experienced Surgeon

When it comes to surgery, safety should always be your highest priority, that’s why the right surgeon is crucial. You need to ensure that your surgeon is qualified and highly experienced. You should feel comfortable that they understand your goals and can them.

Dr Mark Doyle is one of Australia’s best plastic surgeons. He is known for his exceptional surgical ability, artistic skills, and caring bedside manner. Dr Doyle is dedicated to helping his patients look and feel their best.

During your consultation, you will discuss your medical history and current medications with Dr Doyle. He can address any of your questions or concerns and present the best options to achieve your goals.

Dr Mark Doyle, Specialist Plastic Surgeon

  • Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons – FRACS (Plas)
  • 30+ years of cosmetic surgery experience
  • 15,000+ hours in the operating theatre
  • 10,000+ surgeries performed including 3,000+ breast surgeries
  • 200+ positive reviews
  • Extensive expertise in surgical planning and 3D imaging
  • Committed follow-up and 12 months aftercare including scar treatment
  • Helped thousands of happy clients! See for yourself with these Breast Augmentation Before and Afters.

Follow All Pre-operative Instructions Carefully

It’s important to follow your post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing from teardrop breast implants and minimise your risk of complications. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions for your surgery and individual needs, and it’s important that you follow them closely.

Some general guidelines for post-operative care after breast surgery include:

  • Get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activity for several weeks.
  • Take any pain medication as directed.
  • Wear a supportive bra or compression garment.
  • Keep the surgical site clean and dry.
  • Attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon.

Symptoms to Watch For

It’s important to monitor your recovery carefully and report any unusual symptoms or complications to your surgeon immediately. Some signs that may indicate a problem include:

  • Excessive bleeding or drainage from the surgical site.
  • Swelling, redness, or warmth around the surgical site.
  • Increasing pain or discomfort.
  • Fever or chills.
  • Nausea or vomiting.

By following your surgeon’s instructions and reporting any concerns quickly, you can help ensure a smooth recovery and the best possible results for your teardrop breast implants.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s important that you keep your body nourished and hydrated before surgery and through the recovery process. It’s also crucial to avoid smoking and limit alcohol, as these can impair your healing.


What are the advantages of teardrop breast implants?

Teardrop breast implants are a popular option for women seeking a natural-looking augmentation. One of the key advantages of teardrop implants is that they can provide a subtle, gradual increase in breast size and shape. This makes them an excellent choice for women with slim or athletic builds who want to enhance their curves without a dramatic look.

Teardrop implants have a unique shape, designed to mimic the natural contour of the breast. Unlike traditional round implants, teardrop implants have a tapered shape with a gradual slope and projection, which can help avoid a “round” look and create a more natural appearance.

What is the recovery process like after getting teardrop breast implants?

If you’re considering teardrop breast implants, it’s important to understand what to expect during the breast augmentation recovery process. While everyone’s experience may vary, the recovery process for teardrop implants is generally similar to other breast augmentation surgeries.

After your surgery, you can expect to experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to help manage any discomfort, and you may need to wear a compression garment to help reduce swelling and promote healing.

During the initial recovery period, it’s important to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for several weeks. This can help reduce the risk of complications and promote healing. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions on when you can resume normal activities.

Following your given instructions are crucial to ensuring a smooth recovery and the best results. Ensure you attend follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and take medication as directed.

How long do teardrop breast implants last?

The lifespan of your teardrop breast implants can vary based on several factors, in general, teardrop implants typically last between 10-25 years before they need to be replaced.

It’s also possible that you may need to replace your teardrop implants sooner than expected due to complications or changes in your desired breast size or shape. Follow-up appointments with your surgeon are important for monitoring the condition of your implants and identifying any issues early on.

Can I breastfeed after getting breast implants?

Yes! The good news is breastfeeding with implants is possible. There are a few factors to consider that could affect your ability to produce milk or nurse your baby.

During your surgery, your milk ducts or nerves may be damaged, which can impact your milk production or the letdown reflex. Additionally, decreased nipple sensitivity can make it more difficult to breastfeed. These factors may make it more challenging to breastfeed, but they do not necessarily prevent it.

To minimise the risk of damage to the milk ducts and nerves during surgery, it’s important to discuss your plans to breastfeed with your surgeon. They can take steps to preserve the milk ducts and nerves, such as avoiding incisions around the nipple area. Additionally, working with a lactation consultant before and after your surgery can help ensure successful breastfeeding by providing tips and support.

In general, a study from the Annals of Plastic Surgery found that women with breast implants have a 75% chance of breastfeeding. Ultimately, with proper planning and care, it is possible to breastfeed after breast implant surgery.

Next Steps

If you would like to learn more about teardrop breast implants or to book a consultation with Dr Mark Doyle, please submit a confidential enquiry form today.

About Dr Mark Doyle FRACS (Plast) – Queensland Plastic Surgeon

Servicing patients in Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Cairns and New South Wales NSW – Northern Rivers, Byron Bay, Ballina, Lismore and more.

Dr Mark Doyle is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon with over thirty years of experience performing BreastBodyFace and Nose surgery. Dr Doyle is a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon with 30+ years of experience. He has completed all required training and only carries out approved surgical practices. There are absolutely NO undertrained doctors or cosmetic doctors acting as surgeons in our clinic.

As a highly esteemed plastic surgeon, Dr Mark is committed to achieving the best possible results for all his breast, body, face and nose patients, both men and women.


Do Your Research

What to Bring to Your Plastic Surgeon Consultation

  • Bring a friend or relative for support and discussion regarding your choices
  • Take notes and read all provided information thoroughly
  • Read about what to expect in your Initial Surgery Consultation

Book Your Plastic Surgery Consultation

  • Get a Referral from your GP or specialist – this is required to book a consultation with Dr Doyle.
  • Email us or call on 07 5598 0988 to arrange your consultation appointment.
  • Pay your $300 Consultation Fee in advance to secure your consultation.

Please contact us to arrange to book a consultation with our Specialist Plastic Surgeon or to speak with our Patient Care Advisor.

Send an enquiry form today or phone 07 5598 0988 during Clinic Hours.

  • Dr. Mark Doyle AHPRA Registration: Dr Mark Doyle MED0001375519 Specialist Plastic Surgery – MBBS FRACS FRCS

*DISCLAIMER: All information on Gold Coast Plastic Surgery website is general in nature and is not intended to be medical advice nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Results can vary significantly and depend on individual patient circumstances. All images on this website, unless specified as real patient images, are stock images used for illustrative purposes only. Surgery risks and complications will be covered in detail during a consultation with your surgeon. Book a consult for details regarding your cosmetic surgery procedure.

Dr Mark Doyle

Dr Mark Doyle is a Gold Coast-based Specialist Plastic Surgeon who specialises in Breast, Body and Facial Rejuvenation Surgery. Dr Doyle operates out of John Flynn Private Hospital in Tugun. He works with a set surgical operating team (Nurse Assistant & Anaesthetist) who are all highly esteemed in their field. Dr Mark firmly believes in patient-centred care and will listen to your needs before recommending any treatment plan. Having performed thousands of surgeries in his 30-year career, Dr Doyle enjoys a reputation as one of Australia’s most respected and renowned specialist plastic surgeons. His busy practice attracts many patients from Queensland and NSW, and patients fly in from all over Australia and New Zealand for surgery and a Gold Coast visit at the same time.